writing about music and movies among other things in hopes of selling ad space in the future or getting a job writing about music and movies among other things

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Favorites of un'09

The other day while I was laying the Double Queen Check Mate smack down to this computer (seen here),

I was thinking about what I would write when we started this thing seeing as I've never had a blog before (Not True - see my failed blogspot here http://campfirefriends.blogspot.com/). Best releases of '09s are always fun to read, but to be honest I was pretty bad at keeping up with new releases :C So here are some of my favorites of '09 that weren't released in '09.

1. Orchestre Baka de Gbine - Gati Bongo: Betcha didn't think first on my list would be the sickest album ever straight from the Cameroon Rainforest. Apparently this album was recorded on an Apple Powerbook connected to a car battery and solar panel. So says someone on itunes. Either way you can see how rudimentary their recording set up was in this video. Stick mic stands. Seriously. Anyway, I know African rhythms are extremely en vogue right now i.e. Vampire Weekend, Animal Collective, your favorite Animal Collective rip off band, but why doesn't anyone go back to Africa to get their fix?

2. Chet Baker - The Best of Chet Baker Sings. Here was a guy I didn't know about. Chet Baker was a Jazz trumpeter, and occasional signer as well. This album was a collection of the pieces he sang on. Worth it. He has a very smooth voice, and more than likely you have heard his rendition of "My Funny Valentine," but I think the highlight of the album is "I Fall in Love Too Easily." This is a song I can imagine myself putting on a mix for some girl I was trying to impress. I probably have done that. Shout out to the special someone who has that song on a mix I made.

3. The Brianjonestown Massacre - ANYTHING BY THEM. The BJM are one of my favorite bands. Period. Not only is the title of the blog inspired by one of Anton's great quotes, but in my opinion he is a genius of epic proportions. Perhaps many of you will disagree with me on this point, but just listen to any of his albums. He is crazy prolific (no pun intended), and he is just a song writing monster. I leave you this Godzilla of a track "Hyperventilation" to judge for yourself.

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